Speaker: Martha Skinner, Title: The Exponential Power of Design, Photo: Keith J. Carson
2022 A Story in 2, 3 + 4 Dimensions Split in Half at the Center for Connection and Collaboration
Presentation as part of the Instances and the Impact of Change, a discussion with CCC Artist-In-Residence Dr. Robyn Thomas. Asheville, NC Nov. 6 (invited)
2022 Inhabitable Drawings at the Citizen Vynil
Presentation as part of Design Weekend Asheville, AIGA, Asheville, NC Oct. 2nd 10:30 -12 (invited)
2022 Asphalt Drawings at Upstairs Artspace
Presentation as part of The Thinking Eye Exhibit Artist Talk Tryon, NC Sept. 27 4- 5:30 (invited)
2015 The Exponential Power of Design at the Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona
Presentation titled The Exponential Power of Design at Metropolis Program of Architecture and Urban Culture, Barcelona, June 21 (invited)
2015 The Exponential Power of Design – TEDx Talk
TEDx presenter at Greenville event HeadVROOM on April 10 (nominated and selected)
2012 The Power and Place of Design at the Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center
Martha Skinner lectures on The Exponential Power of Design as part of the exhibition Looking Forward at Buckminster Fuller’s Legacy (invited)
2011 “CiTy-SCAN: The Sensual and Scientific Notation of the Human Body and the City Body”
Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design doctoral program, College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Clemson University (invited)
2011 “CiTy-SCAN: The Sensual and Scientific Notation of the Human Body and the City Body”
The University of South Florida School of Architecture and Community Design (invited)
2010 Sustainability Practice Network – Biomimicry: Principles of Nature Influencing Design
New York University. Presented Living maps, NY A/V (New York) and BiCi_N (Barcelona), as well as superABSORBER, Seed, and 10^10 (invited)
2010 Pecha Kucha The Huguenot Mill @ The Peace Center Greenville SC
Presentation of the design work of fieldoffice and my research being done at Clemson University.
2009 HATCHfest
Invited to lecture. Asheville, North Carolina.
2008 “Urban CT-scan: The City as Body(ies) in Movement”
Invited by AIAS to present lecture to the student body. AIAS Lecture Series, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina.
2008 “Design for All, Mass Customization as Social Activism” – The University of Barcelona
Lectured with Douglas Hecker to Visual Culture Masters (invited). Barcelona, Spain
2007 “Space/Time Mapping – The City as Moving Images” – Texas A&M, College of Architecture Lecture Series
Lecture as part of the college’s Spring Lecture Series entitled Ways of Perceiving and Understanding organized by Malcolm Quantrill. Other lecturers include Dr. Gul Russell, professor of History of Medicine and Humanities, Anthony Vidler, Dean of the Irwin S. Channin School of Architecture of The Copper Union, Simon Velez, Bamboo Architect, Colombia S.A.
Preston Geren Auditorium, Texas A&M, College Station, Texas
2007 “Design for All, Architecture as Product”
American Institute of Architects, Greenville Chapter. Lecture on fieldoffice work with Douglas Hecker at monthly luncheon. Palmetto Expo Center, Greenville. South Carolina.
2006 “Alternative Mappings” – The University of Florida Hong Kong Program
Presentation of research on issues of temporality, public space, and representation. Hong Kong, China.
2006 “Time based Drawing – from Charcoal to Digital” – The University of Colorado
Presentation of research (invited). Denver, Colorado.
2006 “Drawing” The University of Arizona
Presentation of research (invited). Tuscon, Arizona.
2006 “Time/Space Mappings in Audio and Video” AIAS Lecture Series, Clemson University
Invited by AIAS to present lecture to the student body, presentation of research and teaching on issues of representation and mapping from the body to the city. Clemson, South Carolina.
2006 “Slow Take: Temporal Mappings in Audio and Video” The University of Florida,
Presentation of research on issues of temporality, public space, and representation. Gainesville, Florida.
2005 “A Section – Dissection of Time/Space: the Study of one City”
Spot on Schools – Beyond Media/ Oltre I Media, Ospedale degli Innocenti. Invitation to lecture on fieldoffice NY A/V Map project. Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Facolta di Architettura and iMage. Florence Italy.
2005 “Ephemeralities Documented: Drawing, Trajectory and Urban Intervention”
Clemson Advancement Foundation Lecture Series, Clemson University. Clemson, South Carolina.
2005 “Design Process: From Toys to Urban Interventions”
Lectured with Douglas Hecker on the work of fieldoffice to Clemson University lectured to 1st year students. Clemson, South Carolina.
2005 “What we do Outside of Studio”
Lectured with Douglas Hecker on the work of fieldoffice as part of the AIAS Lecture Series, Clemson University. Invited by the AIAS to present lecture to the student body. Clemson, South Carolina.
2004 “A/V Mappings” Cornell University
presentation of A/V Mappings research and fieldoffice NY A/V Map to Walking Tours of Manhattan Course. Ithaca, New York.
2001 “Recent Work” Clemson University
Presentation of research, teaching, and practice (invited). Clemson, South Carolina.
1998 “Recent Projects” The University of Michigan
Presentation of fieldoffice work (invited). Ann Arbor, Michigan.
1998 “Materials Reinvented” New Designers New Materials Forum
fieldoffice, Studio 360, Scott Habjan – AIA Young Architects Group and The Van Alen Institute. Moderated by Paola Antonelli, curator of Design and Architecture at the Museum of Modern Art. New York and editor of Mutant Materials in Architecture. New York, New York.