Weaving moveMINT


Weaving moveMINT took place as a durational Performance at the moveMINT: The Experience event in New York City surrounding NFT/NYC. A delicate framework of woven light and space gently guided mini-performances. 
Through the intimate interplay with light’s gentle and determined movement, I set my first line and others to come. My gestures, a mapping of time making volumes that diverged from this projection, expanded space in unexpected ways and set up the framework for others to come and join the drawing. A collective improvisation –performance of performances took place.
For videos and other photos visit #Weaving_moveMINT_



2022        moveMINT: The Experience Lavan 541, Chelsie, NYC — Durational Performance/Drawing/Installation

10^10 Blow Out




Emily Paige

She Is Simba

Olivia Burgess

and others


moveMINT: The Experience curated by Crux of Forbidden Fruit